Going Green at Home
Sustainable, renewable or eco-friendly; whatever name you use, going green has grown into something of a global movement. It is easy to realize this phenomenon, one only needs to open their eyes to see how many products today advertise to be energy saving or environmentally friendly. It is believed that the current generation will have an enormous impact on the environment over the next 50 to 100 years. Whether that be positive or negative is yet to be determined.
Going green at home is a great way to encourage your family and others to do the same. If we all pitch in to make smart choices regarding the environment, than perhaps it will be a positive impact that is realized in the future. An eco-friendly lifestyle doesn’t need to be difficult or expensive. Here are a few easy eco-friendly tips to get you started going green at home.
Easy Tip #1 – Change Them and Turn Them Off
Changing your incandescent light bulbs over to EnergyStar® rated LED will save energy and money. According to EnergyStar®, light bulb usage accounts for as much as 20 percent of a home’s energy consumption. LED bulbs use 80% less energy, as well as a host of other great benefits . Another great way to save money and energy is to get everyone in the house in the habit of turning off the lights and other electronics when they leave a room.
Easy Tip #2 – Feel the Heat
Almost half of a home’s energy costs comes directly from the heating and cooling system. A programmable thermostat can save you money. Sadly many people have one in their home, but they don’t use it. Maintaining a temperature in your home is less expensive than trying to heat it up or cool it down by turning the system on and off during the day and evening. Understanding programmable thermostats can help you become eco-friendly and save you money.
Easy Tip #3 – Drip, Drip, Drip Goes the Water
When it comes to water conservation, there are two ways of going green at home. First is simply being conscious of your daily habits of running water. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth, only run landscaping water for a set amount of time and use the dishwasher over hand washing and rinsing your dirty dishes. These simple behavioral tips and others that you can find at Water Use It Wisley, will help save you money on your water bill. The second way to implement easy eco-friendly water conservation is by installing aerators to your faucets and low-flow toilets in the bathrooms. This can help save up to 50% on your annual water usage.
Changing habits and making some simple changes will help save you money. Using these 3 easy eco-friendly tips will get you moving towards going green at home. Even better, you will be contributing in a positive manner to the environment.